I am Dr. Marcy Forta EdD, MBA. I work in eating disorder education, awareness, and prevention, focusing specifically on risk factors and prevention within the Jewish Orthodox Adolescent Community. I am the founder and creator of Atzmi, a non-profit which works to support the mental health of Jewish girls through programs created to improve their self-compassion and body acceptance. I lecture, write, consult, support, and blog on all things related to eating disorders, body image, self-compassion, and disordered eating. I am also an entrepreneur, a Body Project Facilitator, and a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.

My doctoral research focused on community healthcare stakeholders’ descriptions of religious and environmental eating disorder risk factors unique to the Jewish orthodox adolescent female community.

It is worth noting the underlying risk factors that can contribute to eating disorders and disordered eating also play a key contributing role to other mental health issues and illnesses. As such, my research, findings, and programs have broader applicability, as well.

There is long established evidence supporting prevention programs and their impact. However, the evidence also suggests that their efficacy is vastly improved when tailored to specific demographics. My research forms the basis of eating disorder awareness, education, and prevention programs designed for this community.

I live in Oak Park, Michigan, with my husband, Ben, and our children.

For more information or study results, feel free to contact me.

About Me